Public Works Department's vision is the consumption of resources and tools in the most efficient and effective way to continuously ensure modern infrastructure for networks of urban, interurban and rural roads, public buildings, airports, hospitals, marine works and the coast protection works. We collaborate with PWD under MOBILO project.
EAC trusted our lab with an initial research grant (HawkEye) and one year extension of it, supporting our research activities in Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Our cooperation with Archaeological Research Unit of Cyprus University, started early 2010. Ever since we are colaborating with Dr. S. Demesticha in the Mazotos shipwreck excavation, throughout the season.
Sovereigh Base Areas Authorities have trusted out lab with two grants (SpotOnAcacia & CliffsGIS) and our succesful cooperation lead to a memorandum of cooperation between SBA & Cyprus University of Technology (singed in 2013)
After a succesfull 36 months research program with Acropolis museum, we have established a common understanding and already discussing for further collaboration.
Starting with a research grant and two diploma thesis at Vasilika in Acrotiri area, the collaboration expanded in Limassol castle where our students following Monument Surveying class are practising using photogrammetry and laser scanning.
Within CUT we collaborate with:
Robotics Control and Decision Systems Laboratory (RCDS Lab)
Plant Stress Physiology Group
Immersive and Creative Technologies
while we always welcome new collaboration opportunities
Robotics Control and Decision Systems Laboratory (RCDS Lab)
Plant Stress Physiology Group
Immersive and Creative Technologies
while we always welcome new collaboration opportunities